Can’t We All Just Get Along?

I need a headline writer….I had no idea what to title this post. Maybe ‘Grumpy Old Man Rant’ would’ve been better? But, that would probably fit many of my posts….

As I said in the original post of winningainteasy, I write this blog from the perspective of someone that was in public education for 29 years.  I think that coaching (and teaching) in public education is a different existence than coaching in AAU (‘select’ ball) or big time college ball.  And it’s certainly different than coaching on the professional level.  I believe that the profession of teaching and coaching in public education is truly a noble endeavor.  So, I am taking the opportunity here to defend that profession….because I believe it’s worth defending.  Defending it from people that look at educators and coaches simply as piñatas, just hanging there, free to be whacked at with no recourse.  

Take a cross-section of just about any profession in our country, and you will find some really intelligent people….along with some straight running idiots.  You will find some kind, big-hearted people….along with some ruthless and cruel people.  You will find some open minded people…..along with some narrow minded people.  You will find some that think deeply and sincerely….along with some that can’t think beyond what they read in a meme on Facebook.  You will find people that typically make great decisions….along with people that can’t seem to get out of their own way.  You will find generous people that constantly put the needs of others before their own….and you will find selfish people that think only of themselves.  You will find tireless workers….and you will find lazy workers that simply try to get by.  You will find extremes…and you will find middle of the road types.  

As I said in the opening, I believe that public education is a noble profession, probably one of the most noble actually.  However, I am not naive enough to believe that every member of it, is noble.  The education profession is not exempt from the cross-sections of society that I described above.  There are some great educators and coaches….there are some not-so-great ones…..and, unfortunately, there are some that don’t belong in the profession.

I have no way of proving this next statement, but I’m going to type it anyway:  I believe there are more (percentage wise) big hearted, caring, and generous people, in the education profession than in most other professions.  This is because just the nature of the profession itself, demands it’s members to be those things in order to survive and to be even semi-successful.

So, by all means, those of you that have differing opinions on what should be going on in your child’s classroom (or on the court or on the field) feel free to believe that you know better (or more) than what your child’s teacher or coach does…..even though you have zero training or experience!  And, since you believe that you know more, feel free to take to social media and blast away at those teachers and coaches that are out there giving their time, heart, and money, to your kids.

Hide behind your anonymous messages…..hide within your restricted social media groups, and let it rip! Swing away at that piñata that is just hanging there for your pleasure. You’ve earned that right, right?  It’s a free country, you pay taxes that support the school (well, some of you do)….second guess away!  After all, in life, only decisions have consequences, there are no consequences for second guesses so it doesn’t take much courage to make them.

This is America… have the right to your opinion, and to express it.  My question to you is:  what exactly is it that you are trying to accomplish by doing so?

Maybe you are trying to make sure your peers think that you are smarter than your child’s teacher or coach?  Well, it’s certainly possible that you are….but it’s been my experience that truly smart people don’t have that feeling of inferiority that they are trying to overcome.

Maybe you want everything to be tailored specifically for your child?   Everybody wants things to be great for their child, of course.  But what if your child’s teacher or coach started altering what they do every time a different parent started complaining?  It’s great when your child is the beneficiary of that, but what about the times when your child is not?  We now have a never ending battle in which every child eventually winds up losing.

My objective with this post (as it is with this entire blog) is to create thought from it’s reader. So, let me close this up by offering up something to think about:

Parents:  You don’t have to agree with everything that is going on with your child at school, or in athletics.  It doesn’t make you bad in any way, shape, or form, to disagree.  But, instead of trying to ‘fix’ the things that you disagree with, help your child through them. They will be faced with many things after they leave your protection that aren’t ‘fair’ and they will have to figure out how to make them work anyway.  Instead of letting them hear you bad-mouth their teacher or coach, start teaching them how to figure out how to get through it and come out better on the other side.  Doesn’t matter if it’s First Grade writing, or Algebra 2, or athletics… them and help them learn to deal with those circumstances instead of trying to change those circumstances for them!  

Your child is an amazing individual! Don’t sell them short….they possess the capacity to overcome a less than perfect First Grade teacher or a less than perfect high school coach….if you will help teach them how!  Besides, maybe that First Grade teacher, or that coach, is closer to being right than you are?  There is no way to know who is ‘closer to right’….so that’s not really very important.  What I believe is important though, is teaching our kids how to get through life.

Teacher/Coaches:  Tune out the noise…..don’t give it credence by dwelling on it.  However, I think it’s always important to self-evaluate.  Constantly examine what you are doing….is it effective….is it in the best interest of your students/athletes?  If you can answer ‘yes’ to that, then proceed with the confidence that you are doing your job to the best of your ability and for the right reasons.  After all, it is one of the most noble jobs in our country….don’t let anyone that is uninformed, or hiding in anonymity, rob you of that nobility.

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